

the Petal For Every Occasion Earth Phoenix
Speech Color:
This Earth is a creature of cheer and kindness, that’s the sort of thing you’d expect from someone who you bond around Easter, right? He looks at the world from a jovial and bright angle, seeing the good in everyone and although he is more than capable dealing with those who might be a little more- ahem, shady he would rather try and calm with vocalizations and amusing clucking than fight when it comes down to it. If he is needed in a brawl he is very likely to use his abilities to his advantage, more to stun and confuse than to really injure. What abilities? Why the power to summon rather alarming amounts of multicoloured flower petals. Unlike some of his rank mates he doesn’t grow flowers or plants as he walks, although plants that are nearby seem to get an extra boost of vibrancy as he passes. No, his gift is the ability to summon petals and blow them around with gusts of wind. It’s honestly rather beautiful. Of course said petals aren’t magically enhanced or special in any way, they’re just flower petals, so they can’t actually hurt anyone. Plus, it’s not like he can summon thousands of pounds worth, it’s only enough to slightly block someone’s vision if he manages to aim them well enough for a short period of time, the perfect amount for a hasty getaway.

With his bond he’s surprisingly aloof and isn’t exactly fond of cuddling and cooing. He’ll tolerate it a short amount of time but like the petals he’s able to summon and command he likes to flow about free on the wind. He’ll come when you need him, provide divine distractions and pretty shows, but then when he’s no longer needed he’ll often be found soaring about on warm thermals over the plains or enjoying the reflective glassy surface of the still lakes only coming home to roost for a short while before heading out again.

This rather average sized magical bird is rather stunning in appearance. Perhaps it's because of his petal ability, said power allowing him to summon flower petals of every colour under the rainbow, though his feathers actually do span every colour within the rainbow and then some. It seems as though it's largely dependent on what sort of light is shining on his body though as he steps, or quickly runs, through sunlight he comes across as a moving blur of all imaginable colours (if not slightly heavy on the greens and blues). His form is that of a Javan peacock and he holds himself rather regally. He isn't vain, though he definitely does know that he looks stellar and likes to keep his feathers looking in place and positively pristine. His eyes are predictably forest green in colour.
Received: Unidentified Floral Offering
